4- 12-05
Today was okay, I just wish that I could have brought a better smile to Dramatic's face but I am so happy that I saw him today. Either way Dramatic seems to really be letting his situation get the best of him. The most I can do is what I have been doing just be there for him and be able to support his choices in any way that I can. He hasn't disappointed me in the eight months that I've known him and although he considers himself a failure he could only disappoint me by giving up and letting his situation get the best of him. I haven't a fucking clue what was going on between Dramatic and Cyre today but they both acted as I expected them to. Dramatic actually shocked me today he went above and beyond what I thought he would do to make someone feel comfortable. She obviously didnt understand that so what can I say besides better luck next time. I did enjoy seeing the chase today, it was a new side of him.
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