Thursday, December 22, 2005


Hi!! I know its been a couple of weeks since I last posted but I can't seem to think of anything worth talking about in my dull life. The only thing that seems to ever excite me is seeing my best friend, the laughing, the playing, the arguing, the talking and soon thats all going to change.

You can call it whatever you want woman's intuition or just plain common sense but I can feel him on the verge of doing something phenomenal but it also seems like I'm afraid of the consequences of this big change. Even with all my fears I know I want him to be happy and the only way he ever truly will be is when he gets a job.

The job thing is one out of a very long list of things that he wants to do but the problem with that is an enormous decline in "us" time. I know I'm being childish but I am a big baby when it comes to him and letting him go to be the person he was before we met is a big thing for me but somehow I'll manage.

Now on to more recent matters in my life The 2005 Transit Strike is really putting a stop to everything in New York City. I have been out of school now three days because there is just no way for me to reach there. My mother has been home for three days because she can't walk to work either. Even with all of the problems the strike is causing I am supportiung the union, let's be serious why should woman have to work up until their due date what if something was to go wrong and I'm sure there are many other little problems that the workers are dealing with but that one hit home the most.

I also think Mayor Bloomberg is handling this all wrong, he needs to stop trying to play the front like he lives in Brooklyn and has to walk across the bridge, he was driven there and then picked up after he got off the bridge, nobody is stupid. Second why is it that high school students can't reach to school when they live in other boroughs, can we not afford school buses maybe one of two for each borough going into another borough and same general direction. Maybe he should be talking to the Board of Education on how this attendence problem could be alleviated. Why is it that he feels the need to call those who are standing up for what they believe is right "thugs". I don't see him calling President Bush a thug and he invaded Iraq because he thought that was the right thing to do.

Of course in all of this I play no role at all because I am only fifteen but wouldn't these be the best set of eyes to look in from. Someone on the verge of adulthood and someone who is mature enough to listen before passing judegement. I actually do wish I could sit in and listen to what both sides are saying because as the saying goes there are always three sides to a story and I'd like to hear the missing side to this one.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Well I'm back as a guest writer on my best friends blog. This time permanently. You might have been to my blog, .::dramatizations::.

That being said, I have been making changes to the her blog. For instance I am tracking the traffic on the site now. I had to change from the profile's <$BlogMemberProfile$ smart tag to the individual profile tags <$BlogOwnerProfileUrl$>, <$BlogOwnerPhotoUrl$>, <$BlogOwnerNickname$>, and <$BlogOwnerLocation$> along with some markup to keep the changes in line with her template. I wanted to prevent the smart tag from listing us as contributors, this is her blog. Above that you should see the Firefox button. If you aren't using it, you should be. Try it out you'll like it. If you are on a Mac, like me, which you are probably not — we are few, Safari is more than ample.

Further changes might be on the horizon. Maybe a few Google ads here and there, but not too many.

M!ckey got her report card today. I'm so proud of her. Since she doesn't post her grades, I will.

"*" denotes not averaged
Spanish 591
World Lit 191
AP Wrld Hist90
Sci Res 192
Math B T395
Chem 197
Phys Ed CR90*
Weighted Average: 94.17

Chemistry was brought up from a 69.

All of this is about positive change and looking to the new year. M!ckey is turning up the heat and I have to come out the corner swinging now. I'm getting my New Year's resolutions together. That's right, resolutions.

Have at you!

[posted with ecto]

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Saturday, December 10, 2005


I think I'm getting sick for the first time in years. This morning I woke up at 5:30 after spending most of the night up trying to breathe I even tried drinking tea but that was no use because it didn't help at all.

I'm going to hurt my father he came in at 6:30 and touched my feet with his ice cold hands and had the nerve to say get up. I been up but the cold hands was like torture. So today he better not try to sleep in my presence, it's war.

School is actually getting better, I think I'm getting used to speaking in front of people, I hate to admit it but I do get nervous and stumble through my words a little. This past week I have become like the unofficial spokesperson for the school because even though there are posters up people get more excited from hearing it from other people. I'm also helping the seniors plan their activities and stepping in as co vice president because the vice president that was elected wasn't doing anything. I haven't seen many changes but I know that Kilsi is basically working on her own but maybe with my help we can get a lot more done. The only problem is trying to juggle all my activities like tutoring, kick boxing class, senior planning, sophmore planning, internship, leadership team, science research, and classes.When Fridays come all I want to do is see the inside of my eyelids.

Thursday, December 01, 2005


Hi! everyone it is exactly one month and one day until my birthday, unlike most people I'm not excited about it. My birthday has never turned out exactly how I wanted so this year I'm just going to try to sleep through it.

Good News!!!! I passed all of my midterms with a 90 and above, this should really help my average out.This marking period went way better than last, so I am happy about that.

I saw this quote on a friend's profile on sconex, he calls himself Mickey too. I was surprised to see that a boy had this up but here it goes anyway: "God may have created man before woman, but there is always a rough draft before the masterpiece."